East. Eye. Effect. Leica gallery, Vienna. Alyona Kochetkova | Photographer and photography educator

Group exhibition of Alyona Kochetkova, Aleksei Myakishev and Grigoriy Yaroshenko in Austria 

East. Eye. Effect. Leica gallery, Vienna. Alyona Kochetkova | Photographer and photography educator

Exploring the expanses of Russia with a camera: three Russian photographers have very different experiences while working on individual long-term projects. Titled East. Eyes. Effect., their series are currently on display at the Leica Gallery Vienna. It is the first group exhibition being presented at this gallery space, which opened back in the autumn of 2012. “The effect is the result of a change or an action, something that is produced by an act or a cause. In this exhibition we show the effect from the photographers’ points of view, as creations of a desired impression, ” is the way the exhibition’s concept is explained. The three approaches are definitely exciting: in her Transitions series, Alyona Kochetkova (born 1988) reports on a fundamental experience of change during her travels in the Russian north. Aleksey Myakishev (born 1971) takes the viewer to the little village of Kolodozero, capturing its special atmosphere in a poetic series that carries its name. The third series, On The Iron Road by Grigory Yaroshenko (born 1971) is dedicated to the beauty and power of the railways, which the photographer understands as arteries of life. His series, which was produced during a long trip across Russia, shows a diversity of peoples and landscapes. The two black and white and one colour series complement each other, turning the yearning to travel and the importance of the experience into a tangible reality. Diverse impressions are guaranteed — very much in line with the exhibition’s concept.

11 DECEMBER 2020 — 30 MAY 2021 in

Leica Gallery Vienna

Walfischgasse 1A-1010 Wien

+43 1 236 74 87



opening hours:
Monday — Saturday 10.00 am — 06.00 pm